Wow!! I can't even believe it has been since AUGUST! I feel like this entire school year has just been one big time warp! I mean, I've had plenty of moments where I have let the craziness of life get the better of me, but this is ridiculous!!! Coaching jr. high volleyball, varsity cheerleading, high school dance team, and teaching 4 other dance classes a week has pretty much consumed my entire life! (Not to mention some new exciting changes that I cannot quite share yet!:)) I can't tell you how many blog post I have started that turned to drafts, classroom pictures I have taken that remain on my phone untouched, and products I have begun and either fallen asleep over or had to leave to go to a game, practice, or competition...with every intention of finishing them "later". But now that volleyball and cheerleading are over, and dance is coming to an end in just a few weeks, "later" is FINALLY here!
I seriously have so much respect for all of you amazing teachers/bloggers/TpT sellers out there who manage to keep up with life's craziness and still continue to shoot out amazing products/blog posts/lessons! You guys are my heroes!
Since I don't have any finished products or pictures from my classroom to share at the moment, I will just keep this post fun and short!

I am linking up with the adorable Christina from Sugar and Spice for her brand new linky, Wordless Wednesday! I am so excited about this linky! I think it is such a cute idea, and I have had so much fun looking at everyones pictures! to link up, go to her blog and check it out!! My picture should come as NO surprise given my disappearance!
Do you have a crazy-day weakness? Something that seems to just kinda bite the dust when things get intense?
So that's it for tonight, and I promise to not wait 7 months before my next post!! :)
Much love,